To help FAD on their intention to concern about how much alcohol young adults are drinking, we decided to talk about a true thing alcohol does. But this time it has got nothing to do with health. It takes a lot of time from you. The time you give to alcohol is time you steal from doing everything else. And we filmed this cool spots to reflect how much time you spend on alcohol, and what are you really missing. They all end with the concept: The time you give to alcohol, you steal from everything else.

For the summer campaign we proposed a real experiment,we wanted to see if a young man could learn to surf from scratch with a course that lasted the same amount of hours the media of young adults drink during he summer, 144.

144 hours is the time more than a million young Spaniards spend on alcohol consumption in summer. In a real experiment , a young devoted those 144 hours to learn to surf from scratch. The time you spend on alcohol , you steal from everything else .


Agency: Shackleton Group Madrid (Spain).